Monday, August 15, 2011

Corruption Begins but Never Ends

Corruption practiced by the powerful, rich and the poor alike. Mankind and Truth's nemesis begins from the home. It can be sown, fertilized and nourished without much effort and ado. In my career I have seen this being practiced with aplomb starting with simple untruthful comments to the much sophisticated business practices. The practitioners practice this 'science' with aplomb and in return invite the dread of deceit and fear falsely trying to secure themselves only to be uprooted in their own game.

Can this practice be shooed away? Perhaps it can be, but not without an honest introspection, by the business man who is always interested in speedy profits sacrificing ethics and social obligations, by the employee who has only one interest to win laurels to maintain continuity of job doesn't matter if he is maligning a co-worker in order to cover-up his failures, by the politician who is always power hungry always trying to win a second round, by the bureaucrat who doesn't shy in colluding for monetary benefits and by the society which cannot practice simple day to day practices without shortcuts.

I believe the correction starts with self and therefore does not require any representations by individuals or masses. What it does require is an effort of the individual to honestly practice living with the tenets of religion and beliefs for they only advise purity in thought and deed.

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